Posted by Alumni from WEF
April 26, 2024
How can leaders decide if it's time to make a dramatic change to their business' For one startup founder, the answer was clear once she considered two key questions. These questions helped reinforce her commitment to the people she could serve most - and the true impact she could make possible. She shared her story -- and her process -- on a recent conversation on the World Economic Forum's Meet the Leader podcast. School buses represent the largest public transit system in the United States, travelling 6 million cumulative miles per year to transport 27 million children every day. The system hasn't markedly changed for nearly a century with some routes taking an hour or longer Parents often don't know if their child has made it to school on time, or if they even got home. The stress of managing school logistics can be enough to prompt some moms to pull back from the workforce altogether.Narayan was inspired by her own experience with this wildly inefficient system ' one that made... learn more