Posted by Alumni from Substack
April 28, 2024
What is the value of words' They are like a room without a roof. In the times we live in, it seems as though they have no value at all. They are treated like trash, lying around the world, hollow-eyed, abandoned. Words were once respected, especially when they conveyed deep human commitments. Carrying values was, in many ways, their most central function. Their reign over the description of beauty, horror, pain, and love is legendary. Words could'and still can'change realities, by the very force they harbor. They connect, unite, and sometimes even spark conflicts between people and nations. As messengers, they travel through space and time, in both spoken and written forms. The world we live in today is not a wordless world. On the contrary, our world is stuffed with words; unfortunately, the majority of them are cheap and meaningless, like ghost ships floating on an endless sea of void. It was Earth Day on Monday, an annual reminder of our duty to look after the climate and... learn more