Posted by Alumni from WEF
April 16, 2024
Banga took over as President of the World Bank in June 2023, and is leading an "evolution agenda", to expand the bank's traditional development and anti-poverty mission to include fighting climate change and other global crises. "But we cannot tackle poverty without this broader view and hence our early step to widen the aperture of the bank with a fit-for-purpose mission and vision - and that is to create a world free from poverty on a liveable planet." Speaking to Klaus Schwab, Founder and Executive Chairman of the World Economic Forum at the Forum's Annual Meeting in Davos in January, Banga said: "fragility and conflict", alongside debt, were the most serious challenges facing the world in the shorter term. In the longer term, we face challenges of "poverty, inequality" and "humanity versus nature". It emerged as part of the Bretton Woods Agreement, which was negotiated at a United Nations Monetary and Financial Conference to create a new system of economic order and... learn more