Posted by Alumni from TechCrunch
April 18, 2024
Much has been (and will continue to be) written about automation's impact on the jobs market. In the short term, many employers have complained of an inability to fill roles and retain workers, further accelerating robotic adoption. The long-term impact these sorts of sweeping changes will have on the job market going forward remains to be seen. One aspect of the conversation that is oft neglected, however, is how human workers feel about their robotic colleagues. There's a lot to be said for systems that augment or remove the more backbreaking aspects of blue-collar work. But could the technology also have a negative impact on worker morale' Both things can certainly be true at once. The Brookings Institute this week issued results gleaned from several surveys conducted over the past decade and a half to evaluate the impact that robotics have on job 'meaningfulness.' The think tank defines the admittedly abstract notion thusly: 'In exploring what makes work meaningful, we rely on... learn more