Posted by Alumni from TechCrunch
October 15, 2023
The topic of generative AI comes up frequently in my newsletter, Actuator. I admit that I was a bit hesitant to spend more time on the subject a few months back. Anyone who has been reporting on technology for as long as I have has lived through countless hype cycles and been burned before. Reporting on tech requires a healthy dose of skepticism, hopefully tempered by some excitement about what can be done. This time out, it seemed generative AI was waiting in the wings, biding its time, waiting for the inevitable cratering of crypto. As the blood drained out of that category, projects like ChatGPT and DALL-E were standing by, ready to be the focus of breathless reporting, hopefulness, criticism, doomerism and all the different Kubler-Rossian stages of the tech hype bubble. Those who follow my stuff know that I was never especially bullish on crypto. Things are, however, different with generative AI. For starters, there's a near universal agreement that artificial... learn more
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