Working Girl

Movie Ranked #1177 | 1988 - Comedy, Romance, Drama
When a secretary's idea is stolen by her boss, she seizes an opportunity to steal it back by pretending she has her boss's job.
Best two reviews:
1) Chicago Sun-Times - One of those entertainments where you laugh a lot along the way, and then you end up on the edge of your seat at the end. (Rating: 100) Read Full Review >
2) USA Today - Though Weaver is by all accounts (mine included) in the real-life “none-nicer'” class, I've always suspected she might be great as a shrew. She is. [21 Dec 1988, Life, p.1D] (Rating: 100) Read Full Review >

Worst two reviews:
15) Washington Post - A subplot involving Griffith and first boyfriend Alec Baldwin becomes the-subplot-that-wouldn't-go-bust, and comic scenes sometimes go bankrupt because they just hold their stock too long. Light entertainment like this should zip along like those financial quote boards. (Rating: 60) Read Full Review >
16) The New Yorker - Nichols must have a cummerbund around his head: the directing is constricted – there's no visual inventiveness or spontaneity. And in his hands the script has no conviction. [9 Jan 1989] (Rating: 30) Read Full Review >
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