Little Woods

Movie Ranked #17351 | 2019 - Crime, Drama, Western
A modern Western about two sisters who work outside the law to better their livesA modern Western that tells the story of two sisters, Ollie and Deb, who are driven to work outside the law to better their lives. For years, Ollie has illicitly helped the struggling residents of her North Dakota oil boomtown access Canadian health care and medication. When the authorities catch on, she plans to abandon her crusade, only to be dragged in even deeper after a desperate plea for help from her sister.
Best two reviews:
1) Film Threat - Affecting, sincere, and most importantly socially astute ... it’s one of the sharpest and most promising first films I’ve seen in some time. (Rating: 83) Read Full Review >
2) The Playlist - Little Woods isn’t always subtle, but the occasional lack of nuance doesn’t lessen the power of its timely themes or impressive performances. (Rating: 83) Read Full Review >

Worst two reviews:
2) The Hollywood Reporter - Less relentlessly bleak than Winter's Bone, which along with Frozen River is an obvious inspiration here, the life-on-the-margins drama makes a fine, tense vehicle for Tessa Thompson, who in the last few years has stood out in a variety of genres. (Rating: 70) Read Full Review >
3) Screen International - Nia DaCosta’s heartland tale, rough around some edges, is a promising feature debut. (Rating: 70) Read Full Review >