Posted by Alumni from TechCrunch
April 15, 2024
Enterprises are hoarding more data than ever to fuel their AI ambitions, but at the same time, they are also worried about who can access this data, which is often of a very private nature. PVML is offering an interesting solution by combining a ChatGPT-like tool for analyzing data with the safety guarantees of differential privacy. Using retrieval-augmented generation (RAG), PVML can access a corporation's data without moving it, taking away another security consideration. The company was founded by husband-and-wife team Shachar Schnapp (CEO) and Rina Galperin (CTO). Schnapp got his doctorate in computer science, specializing in differential privacy, and then worked on computer vision at General Motors, while Galperin got her master's in computer science with a focus on AI and natural language processing and worked on machine learning projects at Microsoft. 'A lot of our experience in this domain came from our work in big corporates and large companies where we saw that things are... learn more